Although Giant Cave Roach was beautiful, and of course, huge, they're simply too skittish and really not fun. So I ordered 30 Peppered Roach nymphs (and got 35 or 36?), they're almost the same size as GCR when grown, nymphs are bigger, their (both nymphs and adults) colour is also very interesting, and extremely calm, and docile, for a cockroach. Even nymphs are willing to stay on my hand while I am handling them, or stay in one place for a photograph.
Another very interesting thing about them is that even as nymphs, they each have different patterns and colours, not just slight variation. I will take more photos of them when I have a chance to catch them one by one.
Here is the set up I copied from the success of GCR. I will keep higher humidity and less ventilation as they like it rather hot compare to GCR.
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