2011年9月22日 星期四


These little buggers really know the art of escape! I still don't know how they did it. The small hissers seems always find their way out somehow. The most surprising is adult giant burrowing roaches, not sure whether they climb out from the small gaps between the cover and the bin, or they fly out through the small gap I left in the cover for ventilation, but that would require some precision flying since there is absolutely nothing for them to cling on anywhere near the gap which is only 1/2 wide, and 2 feet off the ground.

2011年9月9日 星期五

Mites explosion!

Every tank that I kept humid had been infested by soil mites! They are everywhere, water droplets on the side, top of the soil, and worst of all, they swarm any food I put into the bins. These disgusting creatures are in tanks of dwarf hissers, halloween/flat horn hissers, orangeheads, and peppered roaches.

It is easy enough to clean up hisser and orangehead tanks, just replace the substrate and rinse the tank under hot water. But peppered bin is so large, and eco earth isn't exactly cheap, so I decided to microwave the substrate instead of replacing. I microwaved the substrate, and used boiled water to clean other stuffs like barks, twigs, cork boards... etc.

In order to prevent further infestation, I am putting more ventilation holes on those tanks, and will only keep part of the substrate damped, and the rest dry. And most importantly, i will offer grain food sparingly from now on.

2011年9月2日 星期五

Banana frenzy!

I never know they like banana so much! Hissers literally swarmed the thing! Even some peppered roach nymphs were willing to come out eating in front of me. Though orange heads, as meat lovers, didn't show more interests in banana than they do lettuce.